65 yr female with heart failure and B/L pleural effusion and anemia

Unit 3:


Dr .Leela 

Dr Harsha 

Dr Archana

Dr Kalyan 

Dr Jeehariki

Dr Raveen PGY1

Dr Aashitha PGY2

Dr Aravind PGY3

Dr Vamshi PGY3

Dr Hareen SR

Dr Praveen Naik Ass Prof


This  is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidencebased inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen on 17/2/2021

A 65 year old woman presented to the casualty with the complaints of
Dyspnea at rest since 3 days
Chest pain since 2 days
Cough since 2days
Patient works as a house wife and has had 3 normal vaginal deliveries. She has had a tubectomy done 35 years ago.

On routine check up, she was diagnosed to be hypertensive and diabetic 2years ago and has been on regular medications ever since.

Now coming to her present complaints
She has been experiencing Dyspnea at rest all of a sudden since 3 days because of which she has been having disturbed sleep. The following day she developed chest pain which has been retrosternal in location radiating to her left arm associated with productive cough with scanty mucoid sputum.

She visited Kims at hyderabad for her present complaints where in she was told she had heart failure and was stsrted on medications.

Upon presentation to us,
She was a pale looking woman 


PR :98bpm


RR : 22cpm

Afebrile to touch

Spo2: 98%




2D echo :

Auscultation:Pansystolic murmur is present


 Bilateral inspiratory crepts is in IAA, IS 

Non tender
Bowel sounds +

Outside reports show dilated RA, RV, LA with severe LV dysfunction
Bilateral mild pleural effusion

Ultrasound video:


1.Heart failure with reduced EF of 28%
2. Bilateral pleural effusion
3. Anemia under evaluation
4. Known case of hypertension and Type 2 DM

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